Conceal Carry for Personal Protection is “good cause” in Tulare County, thanks to Sheriff Mike Boudreaux.

Conceal Carry Class Every 3rd Saturday, Every Month

MLS Firearms strongly believes that training is crucial to successful self-defense. We hold Conceal Carry Classes on the third Saturday of every month, from 8am to 12pm. The cost is $55. The class includes instruction on the legal responsibilities associated with using a lethal weapon for self-defense, as well as your obligations as a conceal carry licensee. But this is not one of those classes where you sit in a classroom for four hours, listening to some instructor drone on-and-on!


Most of the class consists of practical self-defense firearm training. This includes close-quarter situations, firing from either hand, firing from different positions, and firing at multiple targets while moving. And you won’t just be pointing your finger while yelling “Bang! Bang!”  We use Air-Soft replica pistols that closely emulate the size and “feel” of a self-defense carry pistol.

At the end of the class you will receive a qualifying Conceal Carry Training Certificate good for six months. During that time – or even prior to it – you can file for your CCW Permit with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office. Here is the link their web-page that contains the instructions and forms:

Come in to MLS Firearms and sign up, or give us a call at 686-8665 ext. 263. This course is great beginner’s training where you’ll learn safe firearm handling, good habits, and practical shooting experience. If you wish, make arrangements with the instructor to continue your training. We know you’ll agree that this is a sound $55 investment!